Filet Mignon with Balsamic Syrup

Sometimes, a girl just wants a succulent piece of steak! I’m not a big steak lover, but every now and then I do get a craving for it. Going to a fancy steakhouse is nice and all, but I think it’s even better to enjoy your steak and a bottle of wine at home :). Not to mention, it’s so much more affordable to make your own steak. I bought two filet mignon steaks at Trader Joe’s for only $16! You can’t even get a piece of chicken breast at a NYC restaurant for that price. Can I get an Amen?!

I love serving my steak with this balsamic syrup. A hint of savory and sweetness added to every bite. And if you want to be extra fancy, melt a little Gorgonzola or goat cheese on top of your steak before drizzling with the balsamic syrup. Delicious!

A few important tips when cooking steak:
1) Bring your steak to room temperature, about 15 to 20 minutes before cooking. This allows your steak to cook more evenly. (Some restaurants skip this step, but they have special equipment that’s designed for quick even cooking.)
2) Make sure the pan is hot! This creates a nice sear and ensures that your steak is tender.
3) Let the steak rest for about 5 minutes before serving. This allows the meat to relax, making a juicer, more tender steak. Continue reading